The future of work is here, and it will impact every member of the workforce, regardless of your profession, seniority or industry.

Much has changed in the way we search for jobs; much more will change in the coming years. Here are 3 job search trends you should really know about today, if you didn’t already:

AI is here. And expanding

AI has assumed its place in our daily lives, from predicting the next movie you might want to watch on Netflix to helping you analyse copious amounts of data at work. AI will only grow in sophistication in the coming years and be increasingly involved in our personal and work lives.

It is no surprise then that AI has taken over some parts of the recruitment process too. Online portals and professional social networks are recommending jobs to you based on the skills you’ve listed on your profile.

In some organisations, your resume is being evaluated by AI even before it is seen by the hiring manager. Already, there are software that analyses your recorded video interview, helping shortlist suitable candidates who would then have their videos assessed by a human hiring manager. Even psychometric tests aren’t spared.

Tip: You will now have to tailor your resumes and interview styles not just for hiring managers, but also to allow AI to best evaluate your suitability for the role.

Having a digital presence is vital

For the past decade, it was still acceptable to not have a digital presence when applying for jobs. However, for the best part of the next decade and beyond, this will no longer be the case.

Even having just a job profile account in any job sites will no longer be sufficient. Employers will place greater emphasis on candidates having a strong professional virtual presence, such as a website or online portfolio. This is even more relevant for those in the creative fields such as design, photography, videography, writing, etc.

Tip: With your name a quick Google search away, now is the time to get your online resumes across several different platforms in order.

Your personality counts

Even with the pervasiveness of technology these days, human touch still counts. That is, your personality. It has been argued that employers place a greater emphasis on your personality these days, and not just on your core skills and experience.

This can be attributed to the greater focus placed by employers on cultural fit. Organisations have realised that a better cultural fit will lead to greater loyalty from the new hire and thus reduce turnover costs.

While organisations often use reference checks to evaluate possible cultural fit, more are looking towards employee referrals for their hiring. It is more likely that a referred candidate would fit into an organisation’s culture as that candidate had already been personally assessed and deemed to fit by an existing employee, who is assumed to already fit into and understand their organisation’s culture.

Tip: Build and maintain genuine professional relationships, as this could increase the likelihood of you being referred for a new role.


These are just some of the latest trends affecting your job search journey, which will only be more prominent as this process continues to transform in the next few years.

If you need help making your next move, reach out to our recruitment specialists today.